Writer's Guidelines
The African Critical Minerals Association ("ACMA" or "the Association") delivers news, timely analysis, and bold ideas on topics and trends impacting critical minerals stakeholders in Africa and beyond. We are the premier source of high-quality information solely focused on African critical minerals.
We have done the heavy lifting of building the distribution channels to the audience you want reading what you write. We invite you to join us as a contributor!
There are guidelines we advise our contributors and writers to follow:
Most successful submissions are around 800 words and cover a topic within the writer's sphere of expertise.
The topic should be relevant to stakeholders of the critical minerals sector in Africa.​
The submission should be original work and not previously published nor contain copyrighted material. ​
The submission should not be aimed at self-promotion and should be aimed at informing and perhaps also entertaining our special readers. ​
If you're interested in submitting an article for consideration, send an email describing your proposal to You should detail your relevant experience in the field, include previous writing samples (links are fine), and a brief description of the idea. You should tell us in this email if you plan to publish the same or similar content through other media platforms.
We have a team of designers, editors, researchers, and writers who can in many cases assist you in producing high-quality content. This process helps to ensure the writing is publishable and valuable which benefits all parties, especially the most important party, the reader. We can also assist in making the article SEO-friendly so it gains maximum exposure in searches and on social media.
Your name, bio, and relevant links to the website of your choice will be displayed within the article.